Events 2024

Some key events for this year (2024) can be found on this page.

If you would like me to perform, teach, lead prayer, or act as celebrant for a ceremony, please get in touch through my contact page. You can also go to the menu to see the events lists from previous years.

14 Dec, 2024
Oxford Jewish Congregation
Human Rights Shabbat
Leyning (chanting) of the Torah - Exodus 33:1-20 (Jacob & Esau reconcile), from parshat Vayishlach, and giving the d'var torah (sermon).
27 July, 2024
London Ruach Chavurah
Co-leading the Saturday morning shacharit service.
26 July, 2024
London Ruach Chavurah
Making sacred space with nigunim - preparing for Kabbalat Shabbat for the Jewish Renewal mini-retreat
12 July, 2024
Oxford Synagogue
Hosting a school visit by Year 7 students from St Joseph's Catholic Primary School.
8 July, 2024
Oxford Cowley group
Scriptural Reasoning - Topic: 'Healing'
A meeting of Christians, Muslims, and Jews.
25 June, 2024
Council of Christians and Jews (Oxford)
Performance by OxfordShir, the Oxford Jewish community choir, for the Annual Soirée, including seven of my own choral pieces and arrangements of traditional Jewish music.
24 June, 2024
Oxford Littlemore group
Scriptural Reasoning - Topic: 'Healing'
A meeting of Christians, Muslims, and Jews.
23 June, 2024
Oxford Synagogue
Concert by OxfordShir, the Jewish community choir, for the 50th Anniversary of Oxford Jewish Congregation's Constitution, including my V'taheir Libeinu and arrangement of Shlof Mayn Kind.
20 June, 2024
Oxford Synagogue
Solo lecture recital for the Social And Cultural Lunch Group.
19 June, 2024
Oxford Synagogue
Hosting a school visit by Year 2 students from Manor Prep School.
15 June, 2024
London Ruach Chavurah
Leading the Saturday morning shacharit service.
5 June, 2024
Faith Belief Forum
LGBTQ+ Allies for the Faithful Allies project: Meeting 5/5.
4 June, 2024
Rosehill Community Centre
Evening reception with His Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of Oxfordshire, Mrs Marjorie Glasgow, BEM, together with Deputy Lieutenants who support her in Oxfordshire
26 May, 2024
Jewish Fair Oxford
Performing V'dirshu et shalom ('Seek the Peace of the City') with Matthew Faulk for the opening ceremony (led by the Lord Mayor Cllr. Mike Rowley) of Lag B'omer Celebration in Broad St, Oxford: 12 noon to 5pm
25 May, 2024
Oxford Masorti Service
Leyning (chanting) of the Torah - final verses of parshat Behar.
24 May, 2024
Hanborough Primary School
Visiting the school to talk with Year 4 students about 'how Jews show commitment to God', and with Year 1 students about 'Shabbat practices'.
22 May, 2024
Oxford Synagogue
Hosting a school visit by Year 4 students from Goddard Park Primary School.
13 May, 2024
Oxford Cowley group
Scriptural Reasoning - Topic: 'Forgiveness & Repentance'
A meeting of Christians, Muslims, and Jews.
8 May, 2024
Oxford Synagogue
Hosting a school visit by Year 6 students from St Hugh's Prep School.
7 May, 2024
Faith Belief Forum
LGBTQ+ Allies for the Faithful Allies project: Meeting 4/5.
7 May, 2024
Oxford Synagogue
Hosting a school visit by Year 2 & 3 students from Bladon School.
27 April, 2024
Oxford Jewish Congregation online
Leyning (chanting) of the Torah - Ex. 33:12-23 (Moses asks to see God) - Reading for Chol ha-Mo'ed Pesach, and giving the d'var torah (sermon).
1 April, 2024
Wedding (Liberal Jewish) - live music (voice and guitar) for the ceremony
30 March 2024
Oxford Masorti Service
Leyning (chanting) of the Torah from parashat Tzav, and giving a d'var torah (sermon).
28 March, 2024
Leo Baeck College (Lehrhaus: Jewish Studies)
Teaching on Martin Buber's Spiritual Anarchsim: Then & Now (online session) - guest presenter for Rabbi Judith Rosen-Berry's Buber class - presenting on Buber's ideas around Jewish spiritual renewal, and his distinction between religion and religiosity.
14-26 March, 2024South Uist
13 March, 2024
Dialogue Society, and the Oxford Academy
Iftar meal, Ramadan with the Oxford Muslim community - giving a brief talk from a Jewish perspective on the evening's theme of 'Peace and Unity', and singing Y'varech'cha Adonai.
5 Mar, 2024
Faith Belief Forum
LGBTQ+ Allies for the Faithful Allies project: Meeting 3/5.
4 March, 2024
Oxford Littlemore group
Scriptural Reasoning - Topic: 'Angels'
A meeting of Christians, Muslims, and Jews.
1-4 March, 2024Madrid
26 Feb, 2024
Oxford Cowley group
Scriptural Reasoning - Topic: 'Fasting'
A meeting of Christians, Muslims, and Jews.
20 Feb, 2024
Faith Belief Forum
LGBTQ+ Allies for the Faithful Allies project: Meeting 2/5.
17 Feb 2024
London Ruach Chavurah
Leyning (chanting) of the Torah - Ex. 25:1-9 (God invites the people to bring gifts for the making of the Tabernacle) - Reading for Terumah.
11 Feb 2024, 2:30-3:30pm
One World Family Festival, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford (Gallery 44)
Songs Without Words - a nigun workshop: Join us for a circle of traditional Jewish melodies. These nigunim are meant to be sung together, melodies and harmonies weaving in and out, letting the sound wash over you. The melodies will be taught first and no one needs any prior experience—just a desire to sing and a love for music.
28 Jan, 2024
Keble College Chapel, Oxford
Holocaust Memorial Day Commemoration: Performance of my arrangement of the traditional song A Malekh Veynt, by OxfordShir (Oxford Jewish Community Choir).
27 Jan, 2024
Oxford Progressive Congregation online
Special leyning (chanting) of the Torah - Chapter 15 of Exodus, 'The Song of the Sea', from parshat Beshallach, and giving the d'var torah (sermon).
25 Jan, 2024
Oxford Synagogue
Hosting a school visit by Year 5 students from St Joseph's Catholic Primary School.
22 Jan, 2024
Oxford Littlemore group
Scriptural Reasoning - Topic: 'Neighbours'
A meeting of Christians, Muslims, and Jews.
21 Jan, 2024
Together for Humanity, Oxford Town Hall
Together For Humanity: Performing V'dirshu et shalom ('Seek the Peace of the City') for a gathering of civic organisations and individuals, and faith communities as part of UK-wide 'Building Bridges' initiative of the Together for Humanity movement.
20 Jan, 2024
Oxford Jewish Congregation online
Leyning (chanting) of the Torah - Chapter 10 of Exodus, from parshat Bo.
17 Jan, 2024
Oxford Synagogue
Hosting a school visit by Year 12 students from the King's School, Witney, a "Christ-centred, independent school".
16 Jan, 2024
Faith Belief Forum
LGBTQ+ Allies for the Faithful Allies project: Meeting 1/5.
15 Jan, 2024
Oxford Cowley group
Scriptural Reasoning - Topic: 'Angels'
A meeting of Christians, Muslims, and Jews.
3 Jan 2024
Cantor's Assembly (USA)
Presenting Your People Will Be My People for the monthly SongSwap - this month's meeting based on the theme of 'Beginnings'.