Some key events for 2023 can be found on this page.
If you would like me to perform, teach, lead prayer, or act as celebrant for a ceremony, please get in touch through my contact page. You can also go to the menu to see the events lists from previous years.
2023 | |
13 December, 2023 Launch of the Oxford Interfaith Calendar website | Includes religious dates of major faith traditions, secular dates (humanitarian, inclusivity-diversity, awareness days / weeks / months, bank holidays etc.), and dates of Oxford interfaith events (i.e. that include two or more faith groups). |
7 December, 2023 Dialogue Society and Oxford Academy Community Event | Created a video message about Chanukah, and performed a new Chanukah song, Neir Adonai. |
27 November, 2023 Scriptural Reasoning (Oxford Littlemore group) | Topic: 'Creating Humanity' A meeting of Christians, Muslims, and Jews |
13 November, 2023 Scriptural Reasoning (Oxford Cowley group) | Topic: 'Creating Humanity' A meeting of Christians, Muslims, and Jews |
10 & 11 October, 2023 Shiva prayers | Leading sung prayers |
7 Oct, 2023 - Simchat Torah Oxford Progressive Congregation | Taking the role of chatan torah for Shabbat morning. |
2 October, 2023 Scriptural Reasoning (Oxford Cowley area group) | Topic: 'Beginnings' & Creation stories A meeting of Christians, Muslims, and Jews |
19 Aug, 2023 - beginning Elul London Ruach Chavurah | Leading a study and meditation session to begin the 'Hero's Journey' into the High Holy Days. |
12 August, 2023 Exeter College, Oxford | Celebrant for interfaith marriage blessing. |
26 June, 2023 Council of Christians and Jews (Oxford) | Performance of my own songs with Matthew Faulk for the Annual Soirée. |
24 June, 2023 Oxford Progressive Congregation online | Leading the prayer music for a Shabbat morning. |
17 June, 2023 London Ruach Chavurah | Co-leading davenen and music for Shabbat morning. |
10 June, 2023 Oxford Progressive Congregation | Leading the prayer music for a Shabbat morning. |
7 June, 2023 Cantor's Assembly (USA) | Presenting on lifecycle themes, alongside Craig Taubman, including performing my Nigun Oneg, and Simcha Song (Ps 81). More lifecycle music here. |
27 May, 2023 Oxford Progressive Congregation online | Leading the music for Shabbat morning, including performance of Sh'tolicheinu L'shalom. |
20 May, 2023 London Ruach Chavurah | Co-leading Shabbat morning. |
7 May, 2023 'Coronation Big Lunch' at the Oxford Asian Cultural Centre | Presenting to the Oxford Interfaith Community Lunch a first performance of V'dirshu et shalom ha'ir (Seek the peace of the city) [Jer. 29:7] composed for the occasion of the 2023 Coronation. |
22 April, 2023 Oxford Progressive Congregation online | Leading the prayer music for Shabbat morning. |
19 April, 2023 - Iftar meal, Ramadan Dialogue Society, at Mansfield College, Oxford University | Representing the Oxford Jewish Community at the Iftar meal with the Muslim community - giving a talk on Jewish teaching on community, and sharing some Jewish songs. |
5 April, 2023 - 1st night Pesach Oxford Progressive Congregation | Co-leading 1st night Pesach seder for the Oxford Liberal Jewish community. |
30 March, 2023 - Iftar meal, Ramadan Dialogue Society, The Oxford Foundation and the Oxford Academy | Representing the Oxford Jewish Community at the Iftar meal with the Muslim community - giving a talk on Jewish teaching on community, and sharing some Jewish songs. |
29 March, 2023 Cantor's Assembly (USA) | Presenting on Pesach themes: Ki L'olam Chasdo (Ps 136), Oseh Shalom (Ukrainian lullaby tune), and The Four Children. More Pesach music here. |
25 March, 2023 London Ruach Chavurah | Co-leading Shabbat morning. |
11 March, 2023 Oxford Progressive Congregation | Leading the prayer music for Shabbat morning. |
25 February, 2023 Oxford Progressive Congregation online | Leading the prayer music for Shabbat morning. |
20 February, 2023 Oxford Jewish Centre & Synagogue | Hosting primary school visit. |
18 February 2023 London Ruach Chavurah | Co-leading Shabbat morning. |
12 February, 2022 One World Family Festival, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford | Performance of my own songs with Matthew Faulk. |
11 February, 2023 Oxford Progressive Congregation | Leading the prayer music for Shabbat morning, including a baby blessing and performance of B'ruchah Haba'ah (for 3 voices) |
29 January, 2023 Keble College Chapel, Oxford - Holocaust Memorial Day Commemoration | Performance of 'I believe in...' by OxfordShir (Oxford Jewish Community Choir) and Keble College Choir. |
28 January, 2023 Oxford Progressive Congregation | Co-leading Shabbat morning. |
21 January, 2023 London Ruach Chavurah | Leading the prayer music for a Shabbat morning. |
14 January, 2023 Oxford Progressive Congregation online | Leading the prayer music for Shabbat morning, including performance of Dudeleh (Ribono shel Olam) |
4 January, 2023 Cantor's Assembly (USA) | Presenting B'makom She'ein Anashim for the monthly SongSwap - this month's meeting based on the theme of justice, in honour of Martin Luther King Day. |