Events 2023

Some key events for 2023 can be found on this page.

If you would like me to perform, teach, lead prayer, or act as celebrant for a ceremony, please get in touch through my contact page. You can also go to the menu to see the events lists from previous years.

13 December, 2023
Launch of the Oxford Interfaith Calendar website
Includes religious dates of major faith traditions, secular dates (humanitarian, inclusivity-diversity, awareness days / weeks / months, bank holidays etc.), and dates of Oxford interfaith events (i.e. that include two or more faith groups).
7 December, 2023
Dialogue Society and Oxford Academy Community Event
Created a video message about Chanukah, and performed a new Chanukah song, Neir Adonai.
27 November, 2023
Scriptural Reasoning (Oxford Littlemore group)
Topic: 'Creating Humanity'
A meeting of Christians, Muslims, and Jews
13 November, 2023
Scriptural Reasoning (Oxford Cowley group)
Topic: 'Creating Humanity'
A meeting of Christians, Muslims, and Jews
10 & 11 October, 2023
Shiva prayers
Leading sung prayers
7 Oct, 2023 - Simchat Torah
Oxford Progressive Congregation
Taking the role of chatan torah for Shabbat morning.
2 October, 2023
Scriptural Reasoning (Oxford Cowley area group)
Topic: 'Beginnings' & Creation stories
A meeting of Christians, Muslims, and Jews
19 Aug, 2023 - beginning Elul
London Ruach Chavurah
Leading a study and meditation session to begin the 'Hero's Journey' into the High Holy Days.
12 August, 2023
Exeter College, Oxford
Celebrant for interfaith marriage blessing.
26 June, 2023
Council of Christians and Jews (Oxford)
Performance of my own songs with Matthew Faulk for the Annual Soirée.
24 June, 2023
Oxford Progressive Congregation online
Leading the prayer music for a Shabbat morning.
17 June, 2023
London Ruach Chavurah
Co-leading davenen and music for Shabbat morning.
10 June, 2023
Oxford Progressive Congregation
Leading the prayer music for a Shabbat morning.
7 June, 2023
Cantor's Assembly (USA)
Presenting on lifecycle themes, alongside Craig Taubman, including performing my Nigun Oneg, and Simcha Song (Ps 81). More lifecycle music here.
27 May, 2023
Oxford Progressive Congregation online
Leading the music for Shabbat morning, including performance of Sh'tolicheinu L'shalom.
20 May, 2023
London Ruach Chavurah
Co-leading Shabbat morning.
7 May, 2023
'Coronation Big Lunch' at the Oxford Asian Cultural Centre
Presenting to the Oxford Interfaith Community Lunch a first performance of V'dirshu et shalom ha'ir (Seek the peace of the city) [Jer. 29:7] composed for the occasion of the 2023 Coronation.
22 April, 2023
Oxford Progressive Congregation online
Leading the prayer music for Shabbat morning.
19 April, 2023 - Iftar meal, Ramadan
Dialogue Society, at Mansfield College, Oxford University
Representing the Oxford Jewish Community at the Iftar meal with the Muslim community - giving a talk on Jewish teaching on community, and sharing some Jewish songs.
5 April, 2023 - 1st night Pesach
Oxford Progressive Congregation
Co-leading 1st night Pesach seder for the Oxford Liberal Jewish community.
30 March, 2023 - Iftar meal, Ramadan
Dialogue Society, The Oxford Foundation and the Oxford Academy
Representing the Oxford Jewish Community at the Iftar meal with the Muslim community - giving a talk on Jewish teaching on community, and sharing some Jewish songs.
29 March, 2023
Cantor's Assembly (USA)
Presenting on Pesach themes: Ki L'olam Chasdo (Ps 136), Oseh Shalom (Ukrainian lullaby tune), and The Four Children. More Pesach music here.
25 March, 2023
London Ruach Chavurah
Co-leading Shabbat morning.
11 March, 2023
Oxford Progressive Congregation
Leading the prayer music for Shabbat morning.
25 February, 2023
Oxford Progressive Congregation online
Leading the prayer music for Shabbat morning.
20 February, 2023
Oxford Jewish Centre & Synagogue
Hosting primary school visit.
18 February 2023
London Ruach Chavurah
Co-leading Shabbat morning.
12 February, 2022
One World Family Festival, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
Performance of my own songs with Matthew Faulk.
11 February, 2023
Oxford Progressive Congregation
Leading the prayer music for Shabbat morning, including a baby blessing and performance of B'ruchah Haba'ah (for 3 voices)
29 January, 2023
Keble College Chapel, Oxford - Holocaust Memorial Day Commemoration
Performance of 'I believe in...' by OxfordShir (Oxford Jewish Community Choir) and Keble College Choir.
28 January, 2023
Oxford Progressive Congregation
Co-leading Shabbat morning.
21 January, 2023
London Ruach Chavurah
Leading the prayer music for a Shabbat morning.
14 January, 2023
Oxford Progressive Congregation online
Leading the prayer music for Shabbat morning, including performance of Dudeleh (Ribono shel Olam)
4 January, 2023
Cantor's Assembly (USA)
Presenting B'makom She'ein Anashim for the monthly SongSwap - this month's meeting based on the theme of justice, in honour of Martin Luther King Day.