Life Cycle

“If male, is he circumcised?” Covenant, community, compassion and conscience [2011/2016]

[I am addressing the question of circumcision in Judaism by looking at Liberal Judaism UK. Please bear in mind as you read this article, that I believe that the Liberal Jewish movement plays a vital role in the ethical awareness of the Jewish people, and has done much good to challenge and update Judaism, not

“If male, is he circumcised?” Covenant, community, compassion and conscience [2011/2016] Read More »

Before we ever said hello

In Lev. 10, Aaron’s two sons are consumed by fire, and die. There is a cryptic sentence in the text: “Vayidom Aharon.” This is often translated as ‘Aaron was silent’, or ‘Aaron held his peace.’ But neither of these does justice to the Hebrew verb, which really means, ‘Aaron was struck dumb / became still’. Rabbi

Before we ever said hello Read More »