
Sparks of Light (book by Zalman Shachter-Shalomi)

These are my own gleanings from the book by Zalman Shachter-Shalomi and Edward Hoffman, Sparks of Light: Counseling in the Hasidic Tradition, 1983, Shambhala, Boulder). I hope they encourage you to buy the book. I have paraphrased in order to clarify my own understanding, but there are also direct quotations from the book. The notes […]

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Stories We Pray: insights into the inner-work of Jewish worship (notes on the book by Joel Lurie Grishaver)

These are my own gleanings from the book by Joel Lurie Grishaver, Stories We Pray: insights into the inner-work of Jewish worship (2012, Torah Aura Productions). I hope they encourage you to buy the book. I have paraphrased in order to clarify my own understanding, but there are also direct quotations from the book. The notes

Stories We Pray: insights into the inner-work of Jewish worship (notes on the book by Joel Lurie Grishaver) Read More »

The Gates of Prayer: Twelve Talks on Davennology – notes on Reb Zalman’s book

These are my own gleanings from a profound book (both spiritually and practically by Zalman Shachter-Shalomi, The Gates of Prayer: Twelve Talks on Davennology (2011, Albion / Andalus, Boulder). I hope they encourage you to buy the book. I have paraphrased in order to clarify my own understanding, but there are also direct quotations from

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First Steps to a New Jewish Spirit – notes on Reb Zalman’s book

These are my own gleanings from a classic text by Zalman Shachter-Shalomi, First Steps to a New Jewish Spirit: Reb Zalman’s guide to recapturing the intimacy & ecstasy in your relationship with God (2003, Albion / Andalus, Boulder). I hope they encourage you to buy the book. I have paraphrased in order to clarify my

First Steps to a New Jewish Spirit – notes on Reb Zalman’s book Read More »

Neir Adonai

Music and audio © 2 Dec 2023 Alexander Massey – All Rights Reserved אֱלהַי נְשָמָה שֶנָתַתָ בִי טְהורָה הִיא נֵר יְהוָה, נִשְמַת אָדָם חֹפֵשׂ, כָל-חַדְרֵי-בָטֶן כִי-אַתָה, תָאִיר נֵרִי יְהוָה אֱלֹהַי, יַגִיהַ חָשְכִי Ch: My God, the soul you have given me is pure. [Berachot 60b, morning prayer] 1: The soul of a person is the

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