
Circumcising conversion candidates – ‘the most unkindest cut of all’ [2019]

My first article on the topic of circumcision was in 2011, and called: “If male, is he circumcised?” Covenant, community, compassion and conscience Jewish boys and the choice not to circumcise Even though circumcision is not a halachic criterion for establishing Jewish status for a boy, there is a strong and widespread religious and social […]

Circumcising conversion candidates – ‘the most unkindest cut of all’ [2019] Read More »

Jewish parent names for a proselyte / convert

Background For ritual purposes, legal proceedings within Jewish law, and certificates, proselytes usually drop the use of their biological parents’ names, and adopt the names ben / bat avraham v’sarah (son / daughter of Abraham and Sarah). This appears to be almost universal minhag , expectation and assumption across all denominations. However, there is nothing in

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