Adonai, Adonai No.2 – Invoking God’s 13 attributes of mercy – connecting directly with those qualities that we want to experience, and embody them, emphasising the warmth of God’s love.
Ana B’choach – A mystical poem, using seven different names of God, chanted at times of crisis in the Jewish community.
B’makom she’ein anashim (Avot 2:5) – “in place where there is no one to respond to the needs of the community, strive to help the community – in a place where there is no humanity, strive to bring humanity”
“I believe in …” – Written on a wall by Jews hiding in a cellar in Cologne, during WW2, protected by the Catholic resistance: “I believe in the sun, even though all around be dark. / I believe in God, even though he be silent. / I believe in (neighbourly) love, even when love must hide.”
Im ein ani li (Avot 1:14) – “If I am not for myself, who will be for me? And if I am only for myself, what am I? And if not now, when?”