Here are a few songs that can help people make sacred space together. The commentaries give some useful ideas about kavanah – focus and intentionality.
- Ashrei Yoshvei Veitecha – ‘Happy are those who dwell in your house’
- Elohai N’shamah (Ber. 60b) – ‘My God, the soul You have given me is pure.’ (easy 3 part round)
- V’asu Li Mikdash – “We’ll make You a holy home, and You will live with us.” (easy 2 part round)
- V’shavti B’veit Adonai (Ps. 23:6) – ‘I will live in the house of God forever.’
There are also ‘sacred space’ songs that are more specific to certain times of year. Even these can be used at other times of the year. For example:
- Achat Sha’alti (Ps. 27:4) – “Just one thing only I ask, my God, just one thing I seek: / to live in your house, my God, all the days of my life, / to gaze on your beauty, my God, and to return to my royal home.