Adonai Adonai No.1 (Ex 34:6-7) – the 13 attributes of mercy
Adonai Adonai No. 2 (Ex 34:6-7) – a setting that evokes comfort
Ana B’choach – mystical 1st century prayer for help in times of need.
Ana Eil Na / Please Bring Healing (Num 12:13) – “Please bring healing to body and soul; God, who blessed in times of old, make us whole.”
Ashrei Yoshvei (Ps 84:5) – “Happy are they who dwell in Your house; they praise You forever.”
Elohai N’shamah – “My God, the soul You have given me is pure.”
Essa Einai / I lift my eyes (Ps. 121) – “I will lift up my eyes to the mountains. From whence comes my help?”
Han’shamah Lach – “The soul is Yours and the body is Your workmanship; have compassion on what You have created; the soul is Yours and the body is Yours, Adonai, do this for the sake of Your Name.”
Im Ein Ani Li (Pirkei Avot 1:14) – “If I am not for myself, who will be for me? And if I am only for myself, what am I? And if not now, when?”
Ki L’Olam Chasdo (Ps. 136:1-2, 5-6, 16, 25, 3, 26) – “O give thanks to YHVH, for He is good, indeed His loving-kindness is endless. O give thanks to the God of gods, indeed His loving-kindness is endless. Creating the heavens with discernment … Spreading the earth above the waters … Leading His people through the wilderness … He gives food to all flesh … O give thanks to the Lord of lords … O give thanks to the Deity of heaven, indeed His loving-kindness is endless.”
Modeh Ani – a gentle chant of gratitude, and for restoring the soul.
Nachamu, Nachamu Nigun – a nigun of consolation, inspired by Isaiah 40:1 – “be comforted, be comforted”
Oneg Nigun – for joy and gentleness and joy (oneg literally means ‘pleasure’ or ‘delight’)
Oseh Shalom No. 2 – “He who makes peace in the highest, may He make peace for us, and … for all Israel, / for all people, / for all who dwell on Earth / for the whole world. And let us say: Amen.”
Shalom Aleichem, Aleichem Shalom – “Peace to you; to you, peace.”
Simcha Song (Ps 81 selected verses) – “Now as we rest from toil and trouble all our hearts begin to bubble; from our merry rabble tumbles happy babble. So with all our hearts aflutter let’s put on our party schmutter, chitter chatter, utter, natter, yatter, but … Through the noise and roars we should stop and pause, and consider what’s the Cause that draws applause, And just what makes the darkness scatter and puts food upon our platter and makes every person matter and complete.” (3 part round)
Sim Shalom No. 1 – “Bestow (‘put’) peace, goodness and blessing, grace, and loving-kindness and mercy, on us and on all Israel Your people. 1) Bless us, our Creator, together as one with the light of Your countenance, for by the light of Your countenance You have given us, Lord our God, the Torah [teaching / law] of life. 2) By the light of Your countenance You have given us, Lord our God, love of loving-kindness, and justice, and blessing, and mercy, and life, and peace. 3) And it is good in Your eyes to bless Your people Israel, at all times, and at every moment, with Your peace. Blessed are You, Lord, Maker of peace.”
V’asu Li Mikdash (Ex. 25:8) – “We we’ll make You a holy home, and You will dwell with us.” (2 part round)
V’shavti B’veit Adonai (Ps 23:6) – “Surely, goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life. And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever”. (2 part round)
Y’varech’cha (Priestly Blessing) (Num.6:24-26) – ‘May the Lord bless you and keep you.’ This can be sung solo/unison, with guitar, or full piano accompaniment; there is also an arrangement for full choir (SATB) and piano. The full Hebrew blessing is sung, and the middle section is a translation into English.
V’taheir Libeinu – “Purify our hearts, that we may serve You in truth.”
Yotzeir Or – “You shape light and create the darkness, Maker of peace, Creator of all.”