There are lots of ways to categorise the pieces I have written: music for Shabbat, High Holidays, psalm settings, interfaith etc.. All of the music can be searched in multiple ways on my main music page.
In the meantime, I have listed my music here according to whether it can be sung as a solo (sometimes as art song), as a duet, in a choral version, or as a round.
Art or Solo Songs
- Barchi Nafshi (Ps 106)
- Come down God (Ps 86:1-7)
- Halleluyah No. 1 (Ps 150)
- Han’shamah Lach (Yom Kippur)
- I am blessed (Job)
- I lift my eyes to the mountains / Essa Einai (Ps 121; Eng or Heb)
- Im ein ani li (Pirkei Avot 1:14)
- Kaddish
- Kol B’ramah, Kol D’mei (Jer 31:15)
- Kumi Lach Rayati (Song of Songs; Eng or Heb) (wedding)
- Lamah Lanetzach (Lamentations) (Tisha B’Av)
- L’chah Dodi (Kabbalat Shabbat)
- Libavtini Achoti Chalah (Song of Songs) (wedding)
- Mi Adir (wedding)
- Mi Chamocha No. 2
- Nachamu Nachamu Nigun
- Tree of Life Nigun
- Nir’eh Or (In Your light, we see light) (baby blessing)
- Shalom Aleichem Malachei (Kabbalat Shabbat)
- Shiru Ladonai, Shir Chadash (Ps 96)
- Sim shalom No. 1
- Trust In You (Ps 131)
- V’erastich Li (Hosea 2:21-22) (wedding)
- Yedid Nefesh (Kabbalat Shabbat)
- Yism’chu B’malchut’cha (Shabbat)
- Y’varech’cha Adonai (Priestly Blessing)
- Your People Will Be My People (Ruth 1:16-17) (Shavuot; conversion)
Unison Songs
- Adon Olam No. 2
- Ana Eil Na (Num 12:13) (healing prayer)
- Ashrei Yoshvei Veitecha (Ps 84:5)
- Baruch Adonai Bayom (evening)
- Hashkiveinu
- Kaddish
- L’chah Dodi (Kabbalat Shabbat)
- Modeh Ani (Berachot 4:1, 29b) (morning)
- Nigun Charkartani vaTeida
- Nigun Limmud
- Nigun Ma’ariv (evening)
- Nigun Naomi
- Nigun Oneg
- Oseh Shalom 1 (L’chah) (Job)
- Oseh Shalom No. 2 (Job) (High Holy Days)
- Shalom Aleichem, Aleichem Shalom
- V’taheir Libeinu (High Holy Days)
- Yotzeir Or (Is 45:7 & prayerbook) (morning)
- Adonai S’fatai Tiftach (Ps 51:17) 2 sections, each in itself a round for 2 voices – melodies of 16 bars and 8 bars respectively
- B’rich Rachamana (Berachot 40b) – 2 vces, 6 bar melody
- Ein Keiloheinu No.1 – 2 vces, 8 bar melody, 5/4
- Elohai N’shamah (Berachot 60b) – 3 vces, 6 bar melody
- Halleluyah No. 2 (Ps 150) – 4 vces, 32 bar melody
- Kein LaShabbat Haba’ah – 3 vces, 24 bar melody (3 contrasting sub-sections) (Havdalah)
- Lo Yisa Goi No.1/ Sim Shalom No. 2 (Isaiah 2:4) – 4 vces, 9 bar melody for each chant – Lo Yisa in the minor, Sim Shalom same tune in the major.
- Lo Yisa Goi No.2 (Isaiah 2:4) – 3 vces, each section has its own times signature (4/4, 6/8, 3/4)
- Mah Gadlu (Ps 92:6) – 3 vces, 12 bar melody (Shabbat)
- Mah Tovu No.1 (Num 24:5) – 2 vces, 8 bar melody
- Nigun B’nei Mitzvah – 3 vces, 24 bar melody
- Nigun Yonah – 2 vces, 16 bar melody (High Holy Days)
- Shabbat Shalom – up to 5 voices, 15-20 bar melody
- Shalom – 2 vces, 8 bar melody
- Shalom Aleichem – 3 vces, 12 bar melody
- Sh’ma Adonai Koli Ekra (Ps 27) – 2 vces, 16 bar melody (High Holy Days)
- Simcha Song (Ps 81:1-4, 8, 11)
- Tashlich (Micah) (Rosh Hashanah)
- V’asu Li Mikdash – 2 vces, 16 bar melody
- V’shavti B’veit Adonai (Ps 23:6) – 2 vces, 32 bar melody
- You have all been shown what is good (Micah 6:8)
- Adon Olam No.1
- B’ruchah Haba’ah (Ps 118:26; Song of Songs 6:10) (baby blessing)
- The Four Children (Pesach)
- Kumi Lach Rayati / Rise Up My Love (Song of Songs; Eng or Heb)
- L’chah Dodi (Kabbalat Shabbat)
- Mi Adir (wedding)
- Oseh Shalom 1 (L’chah) (Job)
- Oseh Shalom No. 2 (Job) (High Holy Days)
- V’taheir Libeinu (High Holy Days)
- Your People Will Be My People (Ruth 1:16-17) (Shavuot; conversion)
Choral pieces
- Adonai Malach (Ps 93)
- A geneyve! (A burglar!) (S/A/Bar & piano) in Five Yiddish Songs
- Ahavat Olam (SATB & piano) (evening)
- A Malekh Veynt (An Angel Weeps) (S/A/Bar & piano) in Five Yiddish Songs
- Ana Eil Na (healing prayer) (simple harmonies)
- Ashrei ha’am (Ps 89:16-19) (Rosh Hashanah)
- Di Bord (The Beard) (S/A/Bar & piano) in Five Yiddish Songs
- Halleluyah No. 2 (Ps 150) – 4 vce round, 32 bar melody, optional 5thsolo voice
- Han’shamah Lach (sop, ten, bass)
- Holy Mountain (Ps 87) (SATB & piano)
- Kaddish
- Ki L’Olam Chasdo (Ps 136)
- L’chah Dodi (Kabbalat Shabbat)
- Mi Adir (wedding)
- Mi Chamocha No. 1
- Mi Chamocha No. 2
- Shabes Likht, Un Shabes Lompn (Shabes Light and Shabes Candles) (S/A/Bar & piano) in Five Yiddish Songs
- Shlof Mayn Kind, Shlof Keseyder (Sleep, My Child, Sleep) (S/A/Bar & piano) in Five Yiddish Songs
- Y’varech’cha Adonai (Priestly Blessing) (SATB & piano)